Friday, January 4, 2008

In the Pooper

Well, I did it. I put myself out there. I'm not sure how many know about my shenanigans of late, but it involves dates with several boys. I don't think I'm cut out for this for many reasons, one being my inability to lie well. That being said, it seems to be the for girls to be juggling a few guys at once. A date here, a lunch there, a movie another day..a girl could have several dates in one weekend. This being my new situation, I thought I was doing really well balancing 3 in one weekend. Then I did it.....I started to like one of them. I thought I had talked myself out of getting attached, but last night, it slipped. Like a junior high girl, I told the guy I kinda liked him. What am I, 16? I kinda like him? What the hell is my problem? Well, needless to say it freaked him out a little......and rightfully so! I did get a call from him today asking how my day was going and it seemed as if everything was fine, as if nothing ever happened. Let's hope so. I hope I didn't throw this one in the pooper. The fact that we've known each other since high school and we have the same group of friends could make this a very awkward situation.........I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

clw81 said...

ahh..the world of a single girl. At least he did call you, so it looks like he is still willing and able to be friends. If it's meant to be something more, I'm sure he'll let ya know. All that to say, I'm the last person to dole out the love advice. I don't know what the hell I'm doing!