Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lillies....my favorite!

I got flowers at work today. Not from anyone who is, or ever will be, a love interest, but from a friend who just wanted to wish me a “wonderful day” in the midst of my recent craziness. Now, there are 2 schools of thought here : 1) he’s trying to pursue me and by doing this, he has ensured that each and every one of my coworkers will stop to ask who they’re from and why I’m not dating him…thus, putting him front of mind for potential likeability. Or 2) he genuinely wanted me to have a good day and thought that, by reminding me that I’m special, a good day is a guarantee. Knowing this friend and the situation, I can assure you, it's the latter.
People don’t get or give flowers enough. It’s such a simple gesture….not the huge arrangements that cause a scene when the delivery guy carries them into the building and past the offices of everyone you know….but a simple “thinking of you” stem or bouquet.
Sometimes when we get beat down by the little things that build up and make us look forward to the weekend, it’s nice to know someone thinks I'm invincible. Someone thinks I'm funny and witty and brilliant and a great friend and ….. special. No matter who the reminder comes from, it’s nice to be reminded.
I propose that all boys reading this send flowers to their girlfriends. I also propose that all girls reading this send flowers to a girlfriend, mom, grandmother, or sister….and when you receive this thoughtful gift, be sure to tell them how special it made you feel – this will ensure it happens again.

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