Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Not You....It's Me

The words we all love to hear....right? NOT!! You may be thinking that this is the update I promised to "In the Pooper", but it's not. I did hear these words uttered by the person that entry was about, but not in the context in which it's usually delivered. This came in response to "What's wrong? Why was your day so bad?". Truth is, we've all heard it and we've all used it.
Here are my issues with this statement :
1) It should never be used
2) It's usually followed with "It's just that you...."
3) Truth might not be me, but it is, in most cases, your reaction to something about, spit it out
4) If you're being grumpy pants and don't want to talk about your day or anything going on, DON'T CALL ME!
5) Finally......STOP SAYING "IT'S NOT YOU, IT'S ME"!!!!

1 comment:

Hannah S. said...

Amen.......we know the person that came up with the phrase never meant for it really to be said, written, or even thought again.