Thursday, December 27, 2007

Single girl in a coupled world

I'm 26 years old and I'm single. I never knew there was anything wrong with this scenario until recently. It seems that people who are in relationships, engaged, or married (as many of my aquaintences are) feel sorry for me because I live in a 1200 sq ft apartment, alone. I like my life. I love my Shih Tzu, Ava. I love my bed, I love my closet (and the diversity of its contents), I love my TV, and I love my upside down Christmas tree. Furthermore, the fact that my Christmas tree is upside down and hot pink and silver, rather than the traditional red and green, should tell you that I am, at the very least, unconventional in every aspect of my life. But, I digress. So, someone please tell me what makes my situation......remember, the fact that I'm 26 and single?.........something to defend. Should I be asking my married friends what the hurry was? Should I be asking my engaged or seriously attached friends what makes them so sure that they will go to bed and wake up loving that one person every day for the rest of their lives? I don't feel the need - I love my friends, each dear to me in his or her own special way, and feel elated at the thought that they have found "it". I don't wonder anymore when I will find it, I've decided to just let it happen it God's perfect timing. So, to those of you who worry about my happiness because I come home only to find a loving, furry, 9.5 pounds of love every evening, don't. This may sound like quite a rant, seeded in defense, to those I've not vented to lately, but let me assure you that this genuinely comes from my pure contentment with where my life is at the moment....and from the fact that I finally feel like my life is truly just beginning. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date to get ready for.